Every breakfast and snack here is further enriched with the addition of Millets (Rajgira/Bajra/Jowar) – the Indian superfood for its rich diversity of nutrients viz. quality plant protein, calcium, iron, fiber, resistant starch


Every breakfast and snack here is further enriched with the addition of Millets (Rajgira/Bajra/Jowar), 

the Indian superfood - for its rich diversity of nutrients viz. quality plant protein, calcium, iron, 

fiber and resistant starch.

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fueling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, are 100% plant-based breakfast.

for your gut

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fuelling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, is a Gluten free breakfast.

for your gut

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fuelling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, is a Gluten free breakfast.

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