🌱🐾 Plant based vs Vegan - what you need to know

Let’s explore the nuances between a whole food plant-based diet and a vegan diet:

Whole food Plant-Based Diet:

Definition: A whole plant-based diet primarily emphasizes on whole, minimally processed plant-based foods.

Focus: The focus is on consuming fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Exclusions: In addition to animal products, a whole foods, plant-based diet also excludes oils and processed foods.

Lifestyle: Being plant-based typically refers specifically to one’s diet alone.

A Vegan Diet:

Definition: A vegan diet goes beyond just food. It indicates that animals are excluded not only from the diet but also from products and lifestyle decisions.

Exclusions: A vegan diet avoids all animal-sourced food items, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey.

Ethical Basis: Veganism was created in 1944 by Donald Watson as a way of living that avoids using animals for ethical reasons.

Environmental and Health Concerns: Over time, veganism expanded to include concerns about the environment and health. Research has validated the negative effects of modern animal agriculture on the planet and the potential health risks associated with certain dietary choices.

In summary, while both terms involve mainly eating plant foods, the key difference lies in their scope:

Whole food Plant-Based: Primarily refers to diet.

Vegan: Encompasses diet, products, and lifestyle choices.

So, whether you’re plant-based or vegan, the common thread is a commitment to minimizing harm to animals, the environment, and to your health. 🌱🐾

Resources : Healthline, Medical News Today

​Explore Plant based Breakfast

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fueling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, are 100% plant-based breakfast.

for your gut

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fuelling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, is a Gluten free breakfast.

for your gut

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fuelling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, is a Gluten free breakfast.

Enjoy sustained energy and healthy lifestyle with our breakfast and snacks that are made using high quality, wholesome, plant-based ingredients.

Explore Plant based Snacks

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