💪🥗 8 healthy anti-inflammatory choices for a better life

Breakfast  |  Snacks

Inflammation is created by the immune system to protect the body from infection, injury, or disease. A few symptoms of inflammation are heat, pain, swelling, redness and loss of function. Inflammation may play a role in premature ageing, obesity, skin ageing, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Besides environmental factors and certain medications, certain foods may also cause or worsen the inflammation viz. sugars, refined carbohydrates, trans fats, alcohol and processed meats.

Here is the good part. Following is a list of anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle changes that are known to fight/ prevent inflammation : 

  • Berries and cherries 
  • Spices (ginger, turmeric, clove) 
  • Pomegranates, Broccoli, Avocado
  • Whole food plant based diet 
  • Mixed nuts (unsalted) 
  • Exercise 
  • Manage/ reduce stress levels 
  • Quit smoking



Sources : healthline.com ; nutritionfacts.org ; health.harvard.edu

Explore Plant based Breakfast

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fueling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, are 100% plant-based breakfast.

for your gut

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fuelling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, is a Gluten free breakfast.

for your gut

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fuelling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, is a Gluten free breakfast.

Enjoy sustained energy and healthy lifestyle with our breakfast and snacks that are made using high quality, wholesome, plant-based ingredients.

Explore Plant based Snacks


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